Friday, March 20, 2015

Blogger's Block

The hardest thing about starting a blog is starting a blog. I don’t know where to start, so I’ll start by doing what I know first and foremost about writing and life: “Start where you are.”(Pema Chodron)

What stands in your way and creates this blogger’s block?


Fear of what? 

Fear of failure.  Fear of having nothing meaningful to convey, having no readers or followers, and ultimately fear of wasting time writing a meaningless blog.



What holds meaning for you? What would you like to blog about?


What about life? What do you want to convey most about life?

Life is stressful.  People are anxious and depressed about their stressful lives, and they get anxious about their depression and depressed about their anxiety.  There’s almost nothing in life we can control except our inner being and how we guide our inner being to greet our outer situation.


  1. Looking forward to reading future posts, Joanne!

  2. Interesting view, Joanne!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. If you follow Pema Chodron, don't you believe your best bet is to abandon your fears in pursuit of diminishing them? How does one accomplish this lofty goal?

  5. It's a lofty goal, for sure. We should consider getting closer to our fears with caution not to dwell, but to be "curious"(as Pema Chodron suggests) as to their underlying energy. We can notice, for example, where our fears live in our bodies --where do we hold and store our fears and how do they physically manifest. Do they give us stomachaches,headaches, backaches? Do they make our hearts race? Do they paralyze us? If we were to ground ourselves, notice our fears taking hold of our minds and bodies, speak to ourselves in a kind and gentle manner as opposed to reprimanding ourselves for what we feel, and breathe into the physical sensations of our fears, perhaps we could open up to the possibility that fears are just thoughts in our minds to which we've unconsciously assigned degrees of power over who we are, we can then consider their empty nature and begin to embrace them and then let fears go.
